Are you a joyous Creator of your life? One night when we were on Maui a few years ago there was a very intense electrical storm! I couldn't sleep. I got up to listen to the pounding rain, thunder and lightning. As I tuned into the energy of the storm I began to write my experience of the creative process! It became my 7 Steps to Creating your Heart's Desire program that I love to teach. Two years ago I spent a month on the Big Island on a personal retreat. During that time I recorded the audio portion of the 7 steps, wrote the workbook and illustrated it with some silk mandalas I painted. One of them is above. Now it is also a home study program. For my birthday recently, my friend Nikki gave me a great book--Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I've been immersed in this book every day since. And guess what? They are sharing about the creative process too! A deeper understanding of what it FEELS like to be Alive! with Creating has emerged within me! Isn't that cool when that happens? In this blog I'm going to share the first step to creating your heart's desires. First, get a really clear picture or vision of what you are desiring, wishing for, asking, or praying for. Notice what you appreciate, adore, what has your attention. Be very specific. You can imagine it by using the creative visualization exercise that I've recorded for you OR you can pretend that it IS happening! A vision collage is a great tool for this too. I see the creative process like growing a beautiful flower. I call the first step planting the SEED of your Heart's Desire. What you focus on will be heard by the Universe and your Soul. Make sure you are thinking about what you DO want. I've learned that when I do this the manifestation can be quick. However, often I focus on what I don't want, which is really a form of lack. Then I get that! You only need to look at your life and see what you've been thinking about because that's what you've created! If you want a loving life long relationship for example, then focus on what that would be like. FEEL it! See it! Pretend it's already happening. Notice your feelings. Your feelings are your compass for whether you are in the flow of your well being, your Spirit and your Soul, your heart's desires. Become disciplined and consistent in holding the vibration of harmony and enthusiasm. Feel optimistic anticipation. Let go of impatience, doubt or unworthiness. You will become the joyous creator of your life! When you focus on your heart's desires you will feel wonderful. When you focus on the absence of your desires you will feel awful. That is the true test of whether you are in the creative flow or not. When you feel awful, sad, disappointed, angry, jealous-- refocus your thoughts on good feelings. In this way you will take creative control of your life. This is your creative power and you will feel Alive! with Creating and be on your way to manifesting your heart's desires! Comments are closed.
Carol LorraineIntuitive Artist, Joyful Living Spirit Coach, Master Colorist, Creativity Mentor, Author, and Speaker Archives
September 2019
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