Enjoy this Interview with Carol Lorraine, Chief Creative Officer of Alive! With Creating
Grab your your pen and paper you’ll want to take notes when you meet Carol Lorraine sharing her ‘Alive With Creating’ passion…when you listen you’ll understand why this post is peppered with lots of colors!!!!!!!!!!! An entrepreneur and creative catalyst since 1987, Carol’s philosophy is that you are the creator of your life. You can create your life and business exactly as you want it. That, she says, is what it means to be Alive! with Creating. Carol has mentored and coached over 1000 people in her life coaching programs, creativity workshops, live events and weekend retreats. Her clients have transformed their lives and businesses into viable “works of art” that they love! She now focuses on working with women in midlife who want to re-invent themselves. With a teaching credential and two Master of Arts degrees, Carol has taught people of all ages how to be creative. Her dynamic energy and supportive nature inspire and motivate people while keeping them focused on their goals. Carol specializes in coaching women entrepreneurs and leaders to Reveal the Masterpiece within them. Carol integrates her love of beauty, nature, color, and creativity into everything she does. I hope you take what Carol shares to heart – it is incredible information…and here is how to connect even more: www.AliveWithCreating.com When you listen in you will hear about her “Discover Your True Nature Program” – She does Soul Purpose Life readings, then designs a Custom Signature Soul Silk that helps you align with and illustrate your life purpose. When you wear it you stand in your power, confidence, and authentically express who you are. Then you can attract your ideal clients, mate, or whoever or whatever you want to attract. She is also launching her original 8 week TELEclass to Create Your Heart’s Desire, 7 Steps to Reveal the Masterpiece within You! It starts October 2, 2014. P.S. Please share this – someone out there needs some vibrant color in their life…wouldn’t that make you feel extra special knowing you helped someone discover Carol’s brilliant training? Not to mention how it helps you by giving! Just saying I've been married to three artists. I learned so much about myself, creating, and art from each one. I didn't really see myself as an artist until after my last marriage. Then I began the exciting journey to my true self and discovered the artist within my soul and my life purpose! Now I can't stop creating, painting, and teaching others to be creative!
Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, calls this being a "shadow artist." She explains that shadow artists gravitate to their rightful tribe but cannot yet claim their birthright. Hiding in the shadows, afraid to step out and expose the dream to the light, fearful that it will disintegrate to the touch they often choose shadow careers--close to the desired art, but not the art itself. When I discovered this, my artist journey took root. The inner critic and negative beliefs are at the heart of the shadow artist. Writers may go into journalism or advertising. Artists may become artist managers, or coach others like I did. Many work as artist's representatives. Most shadow artists have been raised that way. I was taught that I couldn't make money as an artist; that it wasn't a viable career, like teaching was. So I went into teaching. Now I'm a passionate talented artist AND a gifted teacher. How do you like that hutzpah? If you're a shadow artist you know that you shouldn't put off your art because of feeling afraid. However, if you don't acknowledge your fear, the block becomes stickier. You want to write, but you tell yourself you can't spell. You know you shouldn't worry about that, so you decide that you can't write, and the block sticks even more. Shadow artists judge and criticize themselves for not living their dreams. Life can feel unfulfilling and off purpose. They are afraid to take a stand for their dream and take it seriously. It takes courage, commitment, and support. I became a Living Your Vision coach so I could help others live their dreams. To heal from our creative blocks and fears it's important to go gently and take small steps. Progress happens with missteps along the way. It can be a few steps forward, a couple backwards, then forwards again. Life isn't perfect. We make mistakes. We start, stop, and pick ourselves up and keep going with the dream tucked safely in our hearts. The trick is to keep going, surround yourself with supportive people, and stay true to your dream! Using the The Artist's Way process was a huge support to me. I did the process for about three years--first on my own, then while facilitating groups using the program. I watched as other women found their way. They left unfulfilling jobs, broke through their blocks and fears, made more money, and began to live their dreams! They wrote books. They painted paintings. They became entrepreneurs. They retired! If you or someone you know might be a "shadow artist," and are ready to be the true artist of your heart, I am offering Create Your HeART'S Desire~ an 8 week teleclass inspired by The Artist's Way starting October 2, 2014. You can read more about it here. Then let's have a conversation to find out if this course would be a good match for you. Are you ready to:
I would be honored to be your guide. If you have encouragement or support to share with others, please leave your comments below. Please share this on your Facebook page. Thank you! ![]() MY STORY...TRUTH BE TOLD... Here's how it happened for me. When I moved back from Hawaii, where I had been painting passionately every day for 6 years, I was stuck! I couldn't paint. I couldn't even pick up a brush. I made all kinds of excuses as to why. I created a great studio in my garage, and I didn't paint in it. I had all the supplies, and I didn't pick up a brush. The truth was that I felt like a failure. I was sad. I thought my life wouldn't ever be happy like that again. I closed my design business for a variety of good business reasons. That didn't mean I wasn't creative still or that I wouldn't enjoy painting! One day I found Michele Cassou's book, Life, Paint and Passion on my friend's bookshelf. I read it furiously, totally identifying with her students who were getting unstuck by using her painting process. I bought some Tempera paints and big sheets of paper and tried it! It worked! I felt my true self again. I rediscovered by joy and was back to my passion of silk painting. I felt fulfilled and remembered why I am here! (To inspire beauty and creativity in others by expressing my own joy!) The rest is history. I'm enjoying my silk painting and creativity coaching business again. And now I offer JOY COACHING so others can remember, rediscover, or uncover their JOY! This opportunity is available to you and anyone you know who is stuck, feeling unfulfilled, and wondering how to make a difference doing what they love! Here are some ways we can do this together. NEW GROUP FORMING Create Your HeART's Desire starts October 2, 2014!! 8 Week TELEclass to Reveal the Masterpiece with You~~ Your Creative Self. CLICK HERE for INFO. ALSO AVAILABLE! 7 STEPS to CREATING YOUR HEART'S DESIRE Self Study Program or Creative Heart Soul Shops Saturdays in Napa, CA Please leave your comments below, or share on Facebook, Linkedin, or Pinterest! THANK YOU!! ![]() Has your cat or dog ever inspired you to be a better person, happier, or more creative? How about making you LAUGH? Encouraging you to PLAY? This is our cat Tiger, who inspired this question while sleeping in a box lid this morning...How does being in a box reflect getting outside of MY box? Last week I spoke to the San Francisco chapter of e-WomenNetwork on Growing Seeds of Creativity to Make your Business Bloom. One of the three secrets I shared to growing a thriving business was to be open to NEW experiences, stay CURIOUS, and BREAK OUT of routines. Cats are known for being curious. They poke their noses into new places. They look for new places to sleep and hide. They explore the neighborhood at night. They bat at unidentified flying objects. How do you stay curious and try new things in your life and work? (Here’s what the Thesaurus says about curious: inquisitive, inquiring, snooping, interested, questioning, probing, nosy, and prying). The opposite of curious is apathetic! Here are a few ways I have tried to be CURIOUS. Please add your CURIOUS about NEW Things tips to the list.
Let’s grow our list and watch our creativity inspire a blooming life and business. |
Carol LorraineIntuitive Artist, Joyful Living Spirit Coach, Master Colorist, Creativity Mentor, Author, and Speaker Archives
September 2019
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