Enjoy this Interview with Carol Lorraine, Chief Creative Officer of Alive! With Creating
Grab your your pen and paper you’ll want to take notes when you meet Carol Lorraine sharing her ‘Alive With Creating’ passion…when you listen you’ll understand why this post is peppered with lots of colors!!!!!!!!!!! An entrepreneur and creative catalyst since 1987, Carol’s philosophy is that you are the creator of your life. You can create your life and business exactly as you want it. That, she says, is what it means to be Alive! with Creating. Carol has mentored and coached over 1000 people in her life coaching programs, creativity workshops, live events and weekend retreats. Her clients have transformed their lives and businesses into viable “works of art” that they love! She now focuses on working with women in midlife who want to re-invent themselves. With a teaching credential and two Master of Arts degrees, Carol has taught people of all ages how to be creative. Her dynamic energy and supportive nature inspire and motivate people while keeping them focused on their goals. Carol specializes in coaching women entrepreneurs and leaders to Reveal the Masterpiece within them. Carol integrates her love of beauty, nature, color, and creativity into everything she does. I hope you take what Carol shares to heart – it is incredible information…and here is how to connect even more: www.AliveWithCreating.com When you listen in you will hear about her “Discover Your True Nature Program” – She does Soul Purpose Life readings, then designs a Custom Signature Soul Silk that helps you align with and illustrate your life purpose. When you wear it you stand in your power, confidence, and authentically express who you are. Then you can attract your ideal clients, mate, or whoever or whatever you want to attract. She is also launching her original 8 week TELEclass to Create Your Heart’s Desire, 7 Steps to Reveal the Masterpiece within You! It starts October 2, 2014. P.S. Please share this – someone out there needs some vibrant color in their life…wouldn’t that make you feel extra special knowing you helped someone discover Carol’s brilliant training? Not to mention how it helps you by giving! Just saying Follow your heart and everything you want in your life will show up! When you can find what gives you joy, you'll approach everything you do with more passion. You will experience life as flow, abundant, relaxed, and easy. With all the demands of our current lives, sometimes play is the last thing we make time for. Play is different for everyone. Start to discover what it is for you. PLAYFUL EXERCISE~~Imagination can take you into play Close your eyes:
How can you bring some of those feelings and activities into your life now? Share what these were for you and see what play is for others. Get playing and see how your life unfolds with ease! RECEIVE my FREE AUDIO of a CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, "Make Your Dreams Come True." by SIGNING UP HERE |
Carol LorraineIntuitive Artist, Joyful Living Spirit Coach, Master Colorist, Creativity Mentor, Author, and Speaker Archives
September 2019
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