Happy Full Moon!
Every year I make time for personal retreat--time to rejuvenate and regroup. Sometimes it is a weekend or a day. And once a year it is for longer. I just returned from the Big Island of Hawaii where I created a three-week house sitting opportunity so I could spend lots of time with my Self, while swimming and enjoying the beauty of the island that always inspires me. It took me many days to unplug from the busyness of my life and enjoy being alone. Reconnecting with special friends in between my quiet times was especially fulfilling. I did some artwork too of course. (See them below) This year has offered me several big challenges! Believe me when I tell you that I wouldn't be in the abundant place I am now if I hadn't committed to my daily spiritual practice. I am still in process with the changes, and I KNOW that by living from the Masterpiece within, my CREATIVE BRILLIANCE, that I have grown, and will to continue to grow and shine even more brightly. I trust that all this and more is already mine. Best of all--"SOULUTIONS" have shown up that I wouldn't have thought up without my CREATIVE BRILLIANCE! What is the Masterpiece within you and how will revealing it change your life? What is your biggest challenge these days? Is it with relationships, prosperity, health, time, creativity, self-esteem, communication, or something different? Whatever it is, when you experience the Masterpiece within you, you will know, feel, and embody your Authentic True Self, your CREATIVE BRILLIANCE. When you do this, you will know exactly what is true for you. Your false beliefs and limiting thoughts will no longer control you and you can live the life you were born to live-one of JOY, FREEDOM, HAPPINESS, LOVE, and ABUNDANCE! The Masterpiece within you, your CREATIVE BRILLIANCE, is your inner BEAUTY, your divine Self, your consciousness, the divine substance of the Universe. You already have it within you; that's why revealing it is like creating a beautiful sculpture. Like the master sculptor, Michelangelo, you can chip away at the layers of hard outer stone, to reveal the beautiful form already within that is your Creative Brilliance. Then SHINE ON with SUCCESS! When you reveal this CREATIVE BRILLIANCE within you, you will find soulutions to projects and challenges to be effortless and easy. You will feel in the flow of life with joy, freedom, and prosperity! Here are the "divine ingredients" that I have used to begin to reveal the Masterpiece within me-my CREATIVE BRILLIANCE. It is a daily spiritual practice and a way of living that includes:
1. I like to start my practice by reading something inspirational. I've shared some resources below. 2. Every morning and evening I do a grounding exercise that connects me to the earth below and to the divine energies above, where they meet in my heart. I call all my energy back and release all limiting beliefs, thoughts, negativity, fears, etc. Then I fill the space with things like courage, strength, love, joy, prosperity consciousness. I envision these filling up my whole body. Then I envision a beautiful color surrounding me, with an outer layer of cobalt blue light for protection. Then I sit quietly, feeling into the beautiful peacefulness within my heart. 3. In this quiet silence I listen for Spirit to whisper to me. I focus on the present moment and opening my heart to allow all the goodness in. 4. Then I turn to my Soul Writing for 15-20 minutes. This is when I dialogue with my Soul, asking for guidance. It is different from journaling because I am asking open-ended questions of my inner self. I write as fast as I can without worrying about punctuation or grammar and write down whatever comes to me. This is very private, confidential writing that I keep to myself. I often look back and read it, happy and grateful for the wisdom and guidance I've received. I'll put notes for my business in another notebook and those for my personal life I highlight. See resource below for the book I used to learn this. I also teach this to groups and individuals. 5. I read my written affirmations (in the present tense) out loud. Give thanks and close my practice. This usually takes about 30-40 minutes. This is time I consider sacred and an important practice that keeps me in the flow of my life with soulutions unfolding effortlessly and often ideas I wouldn't have thought of with my little ego mind, so often interrupted by my inner critic, who can be so loud! It's helpful to choose the same time every day to do the practice. You can add any of your own touches, like lighting a candle, essential oils, chanting, or sound. If you want support creating your CREATIVE BRILLIANCE practice, I am available through group and individual work to help you. Just email or call me 707-251-5570 and we can set up an appointment to discuss your needs! It is my purpose to be of service in this way to all who are ready to SHINE with CREATIVE BRILLIANT SUCCESS! RESOURCES: INSPIRATIONAL READING:
Supportive friends, family, and colleagues have also blessed me during these challenging times and are a big part of my success. I am grateful for these awesome, generous, and highly conscious people in my life! I hope you have a success team in your life! If not, contact me and let's get you started on creating one! Love and Joyful Blessings, Carol |
Carol LorraineIntuitive Artist, Joyful Living Spirit Coach, Master Colorist, Creativity Mentor, Author, and Speaker Archives
September 2019
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