A CLEAR VISION is the first Step in Creating Anything in Your Life.
Discover & Create Your Divine Vision from the Inside Out! Make Your Dreams Come True Over and Over! Experience more JOY, EASE, and ALIVENESS! You Are Invited to an EMPOWERING WOMEN'S GATHERING! Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in Sacramento LOCATION: Private Home, Sacramento Address sent upon registration COST: EMAIL me to host one in your area. 2015 is a Powerful Year to Manifest your Heart's Desires! In Numerology 2015 is an Eight/8 Year. Eight is about BALANCE, MANIFESTING, and BEing in your POWER! Would you like to bring your Heart's Desires into your LIFE CONSISTENTLY? More finances, health, relationships, fun, travel, joy, and you name it! CLARITY, ORDER, and BALANCE are KEY this year. Learn the Principles to Consciously Create your JOYFUL HARMONIOUS Life! You are Invited to a Women's Circle We Gather to Create Your Soul Mandala... Your CLEAR DIVINE VISION that Expresses Your True Nature! _ My Vision Mandala for 2015. I think it's going to be a transformational year with the passionate and creative Goddess Pele in the center! She clears the way for the new, and usually through change. Doesn't she look focused and in action? I see growing and expanding our Alive with Creating Community, a women's retreat, new expressions through my art, and fun times with my beloved!
Every year for the last 20 years, I've made a Vision Board to discover what's up for me in the new year. You can see my Vision Mandala (circular) from last year to the left. It's been a year of magical manifesting, heart opening creativity, flowing and growing myself and my business, while watering the seeds of my vision and purpose. I offered new Creative Heart Playshops, Friday Fun Nights, Discover Your True Nature Readings, and painted many Signature Soul Silks for beautiful women. Your true Vision starts from your inner vision when you listen with your heart. When you put images to that vision, it becomes an expression of your soul. Your vision board is like a road map of your heart's desires. When you look at it every day it's amazing how your intentions become your reality. Your brain doesn't know the difference between visioning something and it actually happening, so it starts to help you live into the new! Awaken your feminine power, creative spirit, and aliveness and create the best year of your life! JOIN US Get clear on your True Divine Vision for the New Year! Experience more JOY and ALIVENESS! Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Private Home, Sacramento Address sent upon registration Cost: Host a Women's Soul Mandala Circle in your area. Send me an email and let's talk about how to make that happen! See some fabulous Vision Mandalas in the gallery below. Some comments from Mandala Makers: “I was surprised at how easy it all went together.” “It is confirmation. I know exactly what all the images are saying: Be still, stand firm in my beliefs. Push out of the box of the old paradigm. I am unlimited. At my core I am helping people with their money. Be secure in what I am doing and celebrate my successes!” “Trust! don’t hide who I am. It’s time to work with my hands again. Work with aging. Listen to the magic, and allow it to flow through me.” “Let go and see what happens. Take off the masks. I know the chaos of the Earth and my deep concern for her and the plants. My hands are powerful. Use them daily with appreciation.” “Less is more. Clarity and focus. Serenity and peace is my foundation. At the core I am calm, beautiful and inspirational. Use my voice more clearly.” “I am craving peace amidst the chaos. The animals and nature are my teachers. There is lots to come!” After you make your Vision Mandala you'll learn my special Intuitive Transformational Process. This will open the inner eye of your imagination and help you to bring forward your vision. I’ve added photos of Vision Mandalas from our workshops below. Check them out! They are awesome! |