Here are 7 steps to help you find peace and harmony in your heart:
1. Listen to your heart & get clarity about what your heart desires. Set aside time every day to do this. Make it a ritual. Mornings are best! Closing your eyes, focus on the area around your heart, thinking of someone or something you love dearly and feeling the love. Now ask your heart what it desires and write it down with your non- dominant hand. 2. Plan and work toward something for your greater and highest good. Ask your heart what one small step can you take today towards manifesting its desires and schedule it on your calendar. 3. Nurture your plan and yourself. Ask your heart what does it need most to nurture this small step today? 4. Commit! Follow through by respecting what your heart has asked for. 5. Weed out what isn’t feeling peaceful and harmonious. Choose one distraction this week that keeps you from following your heart’s desire and feeling peaceful and do without it—just for a week! (Egs. TV, social media, phone calls, reading). What is it costing you to be out of harmony and peace with your heart? 6. Know your purpose. Ask your heart why this is important and how your life will be different when you are following your heart’s guidance and feel peace and harmony. 7. Celebrate and enjoy your peaceful harmonious heart! Acknowledge and reward yourself in a small but meaningful inexpensive way. Want to learn more? Join the next 7 Steps to Creating Your Heart’s Desire Teleclass April 3-May 15, 2013 Click on this link: |