Heart Journey to Your Creative Spirit!
A Women’s Retreat on a Mountain Top at the Extraordinary Silent Stay Retreat Hermitage at the Gateway to the Napa Valley Rejuvenate with Nature, Creativity & Spirit!
Reveal the Masterpiece Within You Make Your Masterpiece Mask Friday, October 30 to Sunday, November 1, 2015 $595 Before October 1st $675 After October 1st Includes Room, Meals, Art Supplies, Your Masterpiece Mask $100 Deposit DUE NOW to hold your space (Pay Button Below) There's space for 9 Spirited Women, so send in your deposit now! Feel how the gifts of time, nature & creativity will lead you to the vibrant soul life that is uniquely yours!
This Heart Journey Retreat, for a small group of women, will focus on three major themes: creativity, spirituality and the value of retreating to awaken and nurture both. A fourth element, the wild and stunning beauty of nature, will be the inspiring backdrop for your retreat—until you discover that all of Creation is an active partner in your process!
Our Themes for this Heart Journey Retreat:
Our Heart Journey will be limited to 9 spirited women. You will be part of a small group exploring the Art of Retreating in a beautiful setting while discovering and/or developing your creativity.
Something wonderful will happen to you: you’ll feel the alchemy of the elements of nature, creativity, and spirit leading you effortlessly to your deepest and most personal spiritual life. Don’t worry if you think you’re not creative or if you believe you’ll go nuts with “nothing to do.” Don’t stop yourself because you feel you are spiritually bereft. You’ll never know who you are until and unless you challenge the limiting ways you see yourself! The mystic moves into the inner world . . . “not because he finds his world so bad that he must effect a spiritual retreat from it; but because he finds his world so good that he must perform a spiritual journey to the heart of it.” ~~~ William Ernest Hocking Picture yourself in one of the most beautiful, dramatic and spectacular natural settings you can imagine. From a mountain top, see the entire Napa Valley below you. Feel your body lying upon Mother Earth, a soft bed of earth beneath you, and hear the sounds of nature all around you. Put your feet up on your deck, sip a lovely raspberry tea and watch the colors of sunset deepen as the day moves seamlessly toward the night.
Dive into your inner landscape—it is safe to do this. Discover parts of yourself that are new and exciting—revelations that spark your energy and imagination. Challenge yourself and feel supported by new and familiar “sisters.” Lean your head back as you watch the autumn constellations move across the sky until the waning moon rises. Breathe deeply the crisp air, all the way into your being. Let yourself be at peace. Go ahead: close your eyes now. Solitude, Creativity & Spirituality
You may be someone who feels fear or anxiety at the notion of being alone . . . unfortunately, retreating has become a “lost art” as we live in a culture driven more by busyness, distraction, stress, pressure, anxiety, depression, sound bites, shallowness, noise and meaninglessness. Even those experienced in the Art of Retreating will often feel some resistance. Don’t worry—this retreat will encourage beginners.
The support of the group will help you confront any discomfort that may come up, so you can break through to your true self. You know her—she’s the one who hungers for some time alone to think, to reconnect with the parts of herself she has had to abandon, to heal the parts of herself that are ill, to grieve her losses so she can begin creating the life she craves. “She” is who you are—you just need to remember her. A retreat is a precious opportunity to reclaim yourself and your life. Retreating is an ancient art used by seekers through the ages to navigate their inner landscape. When you give yourself the time to feel it, you will discover your inner seeker again—like when you were a child. You will discover your own rhythms and flow and remember what it feels like to live in Kairos Time . . . The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos was mechanical, clock time and Kairos was timelessness or “time out of mind.” “Don’t be afraid to be alone. If you are to be creative, you need time to listen to your inner self instead of someone or something else.” Creativity
You may be someone who says, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body!” every time the subject comes up. You needn’t feel alone on that score, the world is full of women who have lost that part of themselves in our overly intellectual culture. But consider this: half our brains are wired for creativity. Maybe you just haven’t found that part of yourself because you think it isn’t there. Workshops presented during this retreat will be your opportunity to think again, and be open to its discovery in a safe environment.
“Creativity is not a noun or even a verb – it is a place, a space, a gathering, a union, a where–wherein the Divine powers of creativity and the human power of imagination join forces. Where the two come together is where beauty and grace happen and, indeed, explode. Creativity constitutes the ultimate in intimacy, for it is the place where the Divine and the human are most destined to interact.” Creative Mask Making will be offered to help you unleash your inner Spirit Artist and Goddess! We all need to know how to be in the creative flow of life to thrive, live in our hearts and follow our intuitive wisdom! I will lead you in the healing art-as-meditation process of Mask-Making. You will leave with your own "Masterpiece Mask" revealing the masterpiece within YOU!!
Making a mask is an act of power. Your mask will be a reflection of the inner light of your soul. We will venture into the world of color and images as viewed through your inner eye and imagination. To see more about Mask Making click here: www.alivewithcreating.com/masks.html Come with an open heart! No art experience is necessary. Your Retreat Guide
Carol Lorraine, Artist, Life Coach, Spiritual Creativity Mentor, Speaker & Author of Seven Steps to Creating Your Heart's Desire e-book and home study program.
I am passionate about awakening creativity, aliveness and authenticity in others. For the past 25 years I have guided and mentored people to live their visions, express their passion and make their dreams a reality based on their true natures. While I am well known for my colorful inspiring artwork of mandala drawings and hand-painted silks, people share that they are inspired most by my message of living authentically, joyfully, and courageously. My philosophy is that “you are the artist and your life is your work of art.” From my wildly successful Wild Women and Creativity Circles and Retreats to my Alive! with Creating Transformational Coaching Programs, my message is clear: “You are the creator, and you can create your life exactly as you want it.” As an artist and teacher for the last forty years, I’ve taught art, drama, and music at the elementary and college levels. Considered a renaissance woman by many, I integrate my love of beauty, nature, and creativity into everything I do. I earned a Master of Arts Degrees both in Costume Design and in Creation Spirituality. I use my talents in costuming, mask-making, puppetry, mandala making, watercolor and music, to awaken people to their true nature & creative spirits. To register, call or email me
Carol Lorraine [email protected] 707/251-5570 When I receive your email or call, I’ll send you an initial questionnaire about the retreat and then set up a phone call to go over all the details for this special retreat experience! |