So…You have a new vision or a dream to grow…You know it’s time to tap into the WISDOM that you’ve earned on your life’s journey so far, and you want to share it with others!
You want to have more fun, be more playful and relaxed! If you are yearning to Re-CREATE YOUR NEW LIFE beyond your wildest dreams then you are in the right place! If you are ready to REINVENT yourself and your work in some meaningful way that is passionate and profitable, then read on! FEEL ALIVE IN THE SECOND HALF OF LIFE! I am passionate about people like you (and me) living a life that you love based on what is important to you, your life purpose, and using your special gifts and talents to make a difference while making a great living! DISCOVER YOUR PASSIONS! If you love being a life-long learner and are curious about how to expand and grow yourself and your life I am here to help! People work with me because they want to change or grow something in their lives! DO YOU?Want to be supported to make change happen? Feel bored, stuck or overwhelmed? Wonder where to start? Have a great idea, but it may not be crystal clear yet? Want to be of service and to make a difference? Desire a more flexible lifestyle that is purposeful, meaningful, or more fulfilling? Yearn to follow your passions, your heart’s desires and have fun making money doing it? Ah hah!!! Let's DISCOVER YOUR SOUL'S TRUE NATURE This is what I have done myself for the last 24 years and why I have so much fun offering my transformational life coaching programs that promise lasting changes! I know how to make changes myself and I know how to facilitate others in making lasting change. And sure, I’m often afraid but I do it anyway and have had the support of a life or business coach along the way. It works! Let’s say you come to see me or talk with me on the phone. I can see the amazing possibilities within you, usually more clearly than you do. I see the creative potential within you–your special gifts, talents and life purpose. Then like a master gardener, midwife, or sculptor, I help you awaken, grow, sculpt, re-create, and re-invent yourself personally and professionally until you become the work of art that you truly are–with a life that you love! You are special. There is only one of you. Please share your light with the world! As an artist I love the creative challenge of making something new and beautiful. As an experienced credentialed teacher I love facilitating the learning process. As a certified professional “Living Your Vision“ life coach I love to help others discover and live their visions. As a business owner and entrepreneur I know how to create a viable business that I love. I am a CATALYST for CHANGE! If you work with me, your life will be MORE JOYFUL & FUN. You will change–for the better! You will experience more love, joy, and fulfillment than ever before. If you are ready to make some changes in your life, I invite you to take me up on an exciting and fulfilling one hour coaching consultation to Love Your Life! Email me today to set up your appointment! Alive! with Creative Spirit Life Coaching offers Life Designs for Joy and Fulfillment.
Awakening your Soul's Beauty
An Audio of a Transformational Visualization to expand your expression of who you are & attract more of your soul tribe to work with you! Shine as powerfully on the inside as on the outside! |