Alive! with Creating MUSE Letters
A free bi-monthly newsletter for people who are committed to being alive, creative and joyful. The purpose of this MUSE Letter is to nurture your spirit and unleash your creativity with inspirational ideas, tips, and articles related to life and business coaching. You will be informed of our latest coaching programs, events and retreats. ARTICLES from PAST LETTERS: Creativity and Sound, By Peggy Black, Sacred Sound Salutarist The voice is truly a healing instrument, especially when used with conscious intention. The idea is to allow self-expression of your emotions as they are present in your daily life. Sounds such as sighing, groaning, sobbing even screaming, are release sounds and cleanse the body. Humming, chanting and singing act to calm, soothe and promote health. Regenerative sounds that heal the body/mind are vowel sounds, overtones, toning and harmonics. The key is ‘sound’ awareness. These exercises can be done easily throughout the day, toning or singing while in the shower, screaming your frustrations while alone in the car. humming while you work. Bathe yourself in healing ‘sound’ vibrations. Sounds created with clear heartfelt intentions will heal and uplift you. From Deepak Chopra’s, “Possibilities for Body, Mind & Spirit”. Sounds for balancing the whole body are the vowels, A E I O U. Take a deep breath and make the sound while exhaling, Each sound many be repeated several times. This should be done daily for optimum results. They can be said in different tones, fast or slow, or you can sing the vowels. Play with this. Let yourself experiment and experience how sounding the vowels feels in your body. Notice the subtle changes that begin to happen. Notice how you begin to feel. More sound exercises from Deepak Chopra. We began by using the vowels each day for balance of the whole body. Then we added the use of HUM for the lungs, sinuses and skull as well as the sound MA repeated to the nasal passages and sinus headaches. This months exercise is for release of tension in the jaws (migraine & tension headaches). YA YOU YAI…repeat often to relax that area. The second exercise is for the ears, say the letter N N N. Hold the sound and you will sense the tones inside you ear canal. May you surround yourself with healing sounds. You can reach Peggy at [email protected] ——————————————————————————– The Alive! with Creating Life Coaching course can now be done by telephone. Discover your vision and purpose and create a life plan to create and manifest all that your heart desires. If you would like more information on this program, check out the coaching pages Paris Almond of Challis, Idaho recently discovered her vision and purpose: Vision/Essence I am a blush of petals unfurling to blossom and delight, enchanting beloved others in joyful spontaneity. Purpose To embody light and love with creativity and mirth. To be a catalyst for change, inviting others to be stardust. To boldly embrace inspiration, love and light made manifest. The next step is to create her life plan using intentions and action steps in order to live her vision, making her hearts’ desires and passion her reality. ——————————————————————————– |
"Carol, Your work embodies the range of the Divine Feminine. With the flowing grace of the silks and the abundance of the colorful rainbow, you share with women how to flow with their power in a graceful manner.
Your silks capture the essence of the high visionary with creativity, color, grace, and inspiration. Your work supports the Dreamer and the Doer." Teresa Surya Ma McKee, Transformational Catalyst, |